While chiropractic care is generally safe, it's essential to understand any potential side effects and how they can be managed.
Possible Side Effects of Chiropractic Care:
Temporary Discomfort: Some patients may experience mild soreness or aches after an adjustment, which usually resolve within 24 hours.
Fatigue: Feeling tired after an adjustment is not uncommon, as the body adjusts to the realignment.
Dizziness: Rarely, some patients may feel light-headed after an adjustment.
Supplementing Care:
To support your body through chiropractic adjustments, consider Designs for Health supplements. For example, Inflammatone™ may help manage any temporary discomfort associated with adjustments.
Call to Action:
If you have concerns about potential side effects of chiropractic care, I'm here to help. Schedule an appointment online at www.doppskc.com, and let's discuss how to tailor your chiropractic care for the best possible experience.